Breadfruit and Caribbean Rainwater.
The Perfect Fit
• Breadfruit, aka a tropical potato is touted by many as a superfood, with untapped health benefits.
• Super versatile, breadfruit can be fried, roasted, boiled, steamed, cooked, used for desserts, and meat substitutes!
• And of course, breadfruit makes the award-winning, silky smooth Mutiny Island Vodka®.
How does it taste?
• The flesh of the breadfruit has a nice green banana, citrus fragrance and a sweet taste.
• Both ripe and unripe breadfruit have culinary uses, but unripe breadfruit is cooked before consumption.
• Breadfruit can be processed into gluten-free flour, which can be substituted for allergen wheat flour in many bread products, pastas, pastries, noodles, etc.
We are endorsed by the Trees That Feed Foundation, which provides aid and support to communities that care for breadfruit around the world.
• Breadfruit trees sequester tons of carbon from the atmosphere, helping to mitigate global warming, and then return it to the ground bettering the soil.
• Breadfruit is disaster-resistant and resilient, requiring limited care.
• Long living breadfruit trees are better for our planet than crops such as corn. -
• Breadfruit can create opportunity and food security for every single islander! One tree can feed a family of four for life.
• It is one of the highest-yielding food plants in the world, with a single tree producing 200+ grapefruit-sized breadfruits per season. -
• The male breadfruit flower is highly effective at repelling mosquitoes and other insects.
• The wood is light, flexible, and resists termites.
• Breadfruit products, such as nutritious, gluten-free breadfruit flour, latex, or cosmetics can be ideal new island exports.

Did you know?
• Breadfruit is a staple food in many tropical regions and has hundreds of varieties and thousands of names depending on geographical location. It’s related to other exotic fruits like breadnuts, jackfruit, figs, and mulberries.
• Breadfruit is cultivated in 90 countries, throughout South and Southeast Asia, the Pacific Islands, the Caribbean, Central America, and Africa. -
• Breadfruit trees grow to a height of 26 m (85 ft). All parts of the tree yield latex, which is useful for boat caulking.
• Breadfruit is 71% water, 27% carbohydrates, 1% protein, and a trivial amount of fat. It is a good source of antioxidants, calcium, carotenoids, copper, dietary fiber, energy, iron, magnesium, niacin, omega 3, omega 6, phosphorous, potassium, protein, thiamine, vitamin A and vitamin C.